Bug News

Bug News

Observations, factoids, funny clips, and lots of bugs and other nature related images.

9-Minute Read

Too many alliterations? Yes, most likely – sometimes I’m afraid I get carried away. Diabolical bees though? No way! That can’t be true… We love bees! Well, yes. Of course we love bees – particularly the native species that we depend on for food and keeping the ecosystem healthy. However. Some bees, like those in the group Dialictus, are ridiculously difficult to identify. Diabolically difficult to identify many might even say…

7-Minute Read

Does your yard or garden look like someone went around hocking loogies or spitting on everything? Mine sure does! Before you go yelling at the neighborhood kids though, you may want to consider a much, much, smaller culprit. Unless of course you were going to shout at the local hooligans anyway – then who am I to stop you? Holler away, lol. Just keep in mind these particular gloopy globs currently all over the yard are actually made by an insect!

13-Minute Read

A few weeks ago, we had a huge explosion of dandelions at my house – just fields and fields full of sunny yellow flowers. Now I know most people aren’t huge fans of dandelions popping up all over their lawns and gardens, but I actually kinda like them… Especially now that I know how to make syrup and jellies from the flowers that taste just like honey!

9-Minute Read

You’re walking along, just minding your own business, when you feel yourself start to slip down a bit of a hill. You try to climb back up… But only slip further down the hill. Next thing you know, you’ve slipped right into the center of a large pit. Before you can figure out what’s going on, you’re grabbed by a huge pair of jaws and dragged under… Some days I am just really glad I’m not an ant, lol.

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Written by an entomologist for the enjoyment of all... With an occasional guest post :)