Bug News

Bug News

Observations, factoids, funny clips, and lots of bugs and other nature related images.

13-Minute Read

A few weeks ago, we had a huge explosion of dandelions at my house – just fields and fields full of sunny yellow flowers. Now I know most people aren’t huge fans of dandelions popping up all over their lawns and gardens, but I actually kinda like them… Especially now that I know how to make syrup and jellies from the flowers that taste just like honey!

13-Minute Read

It’s finally indoor seed-starting season! In Michigan anyway. I always get excited this time of year because it means spring and green things will be here soon. It also means its time to start figuring out how to grow all the veggies and flower plants I want without spending all my money on them. But without sacrificing quality or quantity – because who wants a tomato plant that doesn’t produce any tomatoes? And we could all use a few extra bucks, right? Even if, as in my case, you often just…

10-Minute Read

Its wild grape season here in southern Michigan and the vines are finally covered in little purplish-black berries. Technically, it’s actually been wild grape season since late August, but I’m only just getting around to picking and processing them lol. Good for me that they have a pretty long ripe season around here (about late August through October). That means that it’s also jelly making season!

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Written by an entomologist for the enjoyment of all... With an occasional guest post :)