Come on - tell me this groovy looking critter doesn’t look like it’s right out of the 60’s or 70’s dance scene? I mean, look at those leg fringes! And the best part? It’s actually called a dance fly!
Observations, factoids, funny clips, and lots of bugs and other nature related images.
It starts out with a spike in the temperature – when days may reach 40-50°F even though it will probably be cold again the next day. Next there are flashes of metallic greens and blues zipping by your face. This is followed by annoying buzzing and little angry pings against the windows. The flies have returned.
Yes, I know the holidays for most people are now officially over, but better late than never right? Besides, it is still winter (where I am anyway), and what looks prettier that holly leaves during the winter :) Probably not the crazy loopy patterns etched into the holly leaves, but I’m going to talk about them anyway, lol.
In the mornings, I am always sleepily waiting on the coffee pot to finish brewing that first cup of coffee to get my day started. That first morning sip of wonderful, warm, steamy, caffeine laden liquid is much anticipated. Until you see something small floating in your dark wonderful liquid and discover a nasty little fruit fly has decided to take a death bath in your morning coffee. Gross 🤢
As if the floodplain mosquitoes this year weren’t enough – now there’s ginormous mosquitoes that look like they just came out of Jumanji! Ok, ok. Maybe that’s a slight exaggeration… But only slightly. These gals are HUGE!