Bug News

Bug News

Observations, factoids, funny clips, and lots of bugs and other nature related images.

7-Minute Read

Now that the days are getting colder and the nights frequently dip beneath freezing, it’s time to get out all your nice, warm, fuzzy, fluffy… Woolly bears? Yes, its Woolly Bear Caterpillar season once again! Last year I wrote about the wanna-be weather predictor woolly bear (aka Isabella Tiger Moth Caterpillar). This year, let’s talk about a different woolly bear, the Yellow Woolly Bear Caterpillar.

7-Minute Read

This is why we need to be careful when we’re out cleaning the yard – You never know what you’ll uncover when you turn over a moss-covered rock! While this small little brown blob may not look like much now, come spring or summer, it will turn into the most lovely little blue butterfly. If you have enough of them living in your yard, it might actually look like a Disney fairytale scene :)

6-Minute Read

It looks like I’m going to need to start watching where I step in my house. Not because there are dog toys on the floor, or rugs waiting to trip me up (although it has been known to happen), but because I have extra critters roaming about. Large, fat, and theoretically grossly squishy if stepped on, caterpillars!

7-Minute Read

The adorable Woolly Bear Caterpillar brings a lot of fond memories for me. As a kid, I would always find these furry guys crossing the road when out for a dog walk or just going down the street to a friend’s house. Every fall. Without fail. And of course, being a good little nature lover, I would have to stop and carry each one to the other side of the road lol. I mean, I couldn’t let them get hit by a car, now could I!

4-Minute Read

Remember back when you were a kid and your parents were freaking out about the gypsy moths destroying all their trees? Ok, well the late 80’s early 90’s since most of you reading this probably aren’t the same age as me… Gypsy moths were really a big concern when I was young. My parents wrapped black tar like sticky bands around all our trees to keep the caterpillar from climbing up. My siblings and I were taught what the egg masses, caterpillars, and moths looked like so they could be killed if…

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Written by an entomologist for the enjoyment of all... With an occasional guest post :)