Bug News

Bug News

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Remember back when you were a kid and your parents were freaking out about the gypsy moths destroying all their trees? Ok, well the late 80’s early 90’s since most of you reading this probably aren’t the same age as me… Gypsy moths were really a big concern when I was young. My parents wrapped black tar like sticky bands around all our trees to keep the caterpillar from climbing up. My siblings and I were taught what the egg masses, caterpillars, and moths looked like so they could be killed if found. It was a whole thing. And then… I mostly forgot about them over the years. They just didn’t seem to be that big of a deal anymore.

Well, apparently they are making a comeback. If you Google “gypsy moth” you get all sorts of articles that pop up about outbreaks, invasions, and even frass rain, aka way too much caterpillar poop. Thankfully, I have not found any trees here that are raining frass, but unfortunately I have found more caterpillars than I’ve seen since I was a kid. Last year I found a few, which I promptly smashed, but didn’t find any trees on the property with notable damage. This year though, the caterpillars found our beautiful weeping cherry tree 😟 There is notable damage. I never saw the egg masses, but I’ve been smashing as many of the caterpillars as I can reach…

Gypsy Moth caterpillar

Gypsy Moths, Lymantria dispar, are originally from Europe. They were actually intentionally introduced to eastern North America around 1870 with the intent of using them to make silk. Unfortunately, not only did using the gypsy moth for the silk industry not work out, but a bunch of the specimens escaped. Gypsy moths, specifically their caterpillars, eat a huge variety of hardwood trees found in North America. And they have been steadily eating their way westward ever since their introduction (check out this cool time lapse distribution map). Although their population levels aren’t overwhelming every year, everywhere, population levels apparently do spike every handful of years (like this year).

If you see these strikingly marked caterpillars in your area – confirm with an entomologist – then smash them.

Gypsy Moth caterpillar
Female adult Gypsy Moth laying egg mass
Male adult Gypsy Moth
Gypsy Moth caterpillar on my cherry tree

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Written by an entomologist for the enjoyment of all... The goal is to post 1 new story every week or so. Stay tuned!