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Emily Garvin

5-Minute Read

Hi all! I just wanted to share a short note from one of my fellow local authors and nature lovers, Emily Garvin. She writes children’s books and I love to help support other writers and artists! Here’s what she wanted to share with us:

Nature, what is more important than what surrounds us and encourages us daily? We may not realize it at the moment, but one thing that affects us daily is nature. For example, when the beautiful warm summer days quickly turn into cold rainy and eventually snowy days, I feel those winter blues quickly coming in like a flood. Don’t get me wrong, winter days can be pretty as the sun reflects off of the snow. But what can you do on those gray winter days when you are snowed in or it is way too cold to go outside? You can wear your matching pajamas with your husband and the kids and sit by the fire watching hallmark movies while sipping on some hot chocolate. Another alternative may be to pick up a book and read it to your kids.

With all of the changes going on in the world right now, you may ask yourself, “what kid-friendly books are out there for my children and I to read together?” Well, I would like to tell you about my two kids books that I recently published on Amazon this year. The first one is called “A Horse’s Love”. This book is about my mother and her horse that was born on her farm. While she grew up there, she rode her horses everyday and fell in love with her animals and the friendships she made. She is the definition of a true cowgirl and I am inspired by her daily.

My second kids book is called, “Adventures Of Eddie The Pug”. This book is about a young girl and her dog, Eddie the pug. Sometimes our truest friends are the animals that love us each and every single day and that shows in this book. Eddie loves Amanda so much that he loves and protects her each and every single day. I found my inspiration from nature and those who thrive off of nature, animals. My love for nature and animals formed when I was a little kid. One thing was for certain, I knew I was happier when I was around my horses riding in the back field and came home to my adorable dogs.

While finding inspiration, I quickly realized that I could one day write books about them. From that moment on I was encouraged and inspired to do just that. Their beauty was undeniable and I could not wait to learn more about them while I wrote the stories that they laid on my heart. I knew that I wanted to become a writer when I was in seventh grade. Even though it took me ten years to write and publish my first book, I never gave up on my dream.

Today, as I write this and hold on to my two kids books, I hope to inspire anyone to hold onto their dreams no matter how long it takes you to achieve them. For a while I was distracted by other jobs and obligations and that was ok. But every time I went back to the farm, rode my horses and surrounded myself with nature and its beauty, my dream was itching inside of me wanting to come out. Finally, when the opportunity came, I sat down and began to write.

Let nature inspire you, take a hold of you and show you what it can do. Because there is nothing more perfect than that feeling of peace you are filled with as you take a deep breath of fresh air and are surrounded by the warmth of summer.

~ Emily Garvin

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Written by an entomologist for the enjoyment of all... With an occasional guest post :)