A Guide to Launching Your Insect Observation Video Journal
by Carrie Spencer
Observations, factoids, funny clips, and lots of bugs and other nature related images.
by Carrie Spencer
by Ben Gunden
by Skriabin Nikita
Hi all!
I thought you’d like to hear about a new bug identification website and phone app I recently found out about. While I’m usually a big supporter of iNaturalist, SEEK, FieldGuide and pursuing BugGuide to check my identifications, it’s always good to know about different options out there 😃
Please welcome guest author and web developer: Skriabin Nikita!
You can never escape. They are always there. Watching. Waiting. Sometimes hiding out and stalking you for months before making their presence known and sucking your plants dry of all their life fluids…. While these odd looking critters may look soft and squishy, they can be real tenacious menaces to your plants.
So… I’m just watering the plants in the bathroom, when I see an odd lump on the side of the bathtub. Did someone leave a stone in here for some reason? We did have company recently… I move closer. Wait, what!? It is definitely not a stone. How did you get in here!? And what in the world do I do with you in the middle of winter??
Now that the days are getting colder and the nights frequently dip beneath freezing, it’s time to get out all your nice, warm, fuzzy, fluffy… Woolly bears? Yes, its Woolly Bear Caterpillar season once again! Last year I wrote about the wanna-be weather predictor woolly bear (aka Isabella Tiger Moth Caterpillar). This year, let’s talk about a different woolly bear, the Yellow Woolly Bear Caterpillar.
Eight legs? Check. Fang-like looking mouthparts? Check. Hanging out near the scene of the crime? Check. I’m afraid you match the description of the spider suspect we’ve been looking for… We’re going to have to book you. What do you mean you’re not a spider?! You match the description… Tell it to the judge!